Error Glossary

To help keep you as productive as possible, we offer the following information on the errors you may encounter as you use the Dock411 API. Check out the Getting Started guide for more information on error handling.



Your request could not be processed.

This error usually means you did not included a required argument or parameter. The error messages should provide details on the exact cause of the problem.



You are not permitted to access this resource.

Your account does not have access to the resource you requested for one of a variety of reasons, typically specified in the error messages. Contact our API team if you need more help.


This account has been disabled.

The Dock411 account is deactivated. Contact our API team if you need more help.



The requested resource could not be found.

This error indicates the specific resource you requested doesn’t exist. It’s possible the resource has been updated or deleted, but you should also check for typos in your request.



An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact the API team for more information.

This error lets you know our servers have experienced a problem. Although this is rare, please contact the API team to let us know that you’ve encountered this error.